Enterprise file-sharing product that provides secure, cloud-based sharing while ensuring your organization retains ownership and control.

Your team will be able to share and collaborate on documents with people inside and outside of your organization

Why use file-sharing services? Avoid the risk of important content being shared outside of your organization without control. With Sharebase you’ll make file sharing a corporate standard, providing your team with a simple experience to store, search and share content securely.

Complete control over sharing. Users can set permissions for each share of each document, leverage password protection for external shares, and set shared documents to expire. Moreover, users can access content and share from anywhere using a web browser. Windows users can even access their own content offline from their desktop and subscribe to specific shared content for offline access. Leveraging tagging capabilities and familiar folder structures, users can personally organize owned content for easy retrieval. 

Benefits of using file-sharing services - Sharebase

cloud services

Secure cloud-based file sharing service

accounts payable process

Set file-sharing permissions of each document

Set an expiration date, revoke or transfer rights to any shared file

Edit files directly within the file's native application

Easily search for files by name, tags, file type, text in a file, creator, etc.

See how our file sharing services works

How Sharebase works

Create accounts. Administrators create and manage approved accounts for each deployment, with the ability to manage users from within your identity provider (IdP) product. This ensures your organization retains ownership of any shared information.

Set roles. When users leave your organization or change roles, administrators can easily revoke or transfer rights, mitigating the risk of unauthorized access and ensuring continuity during personnel transitions.

Choose your sharing settings. Administrators can also restrict sharing by controlling maximum file-sharing permissions and expirations for all users or specific user groups as well as limit external sharing and create libraries of corporate content over which they have complete control.

User functionalites. Users can easily edit files directly within the file’s native application, with each saved change creating a new document version in ShareBase and giving all users with the appropriate permissions easy access to all document versions alongside each file. 

Our Email Digest function enables users to receive a summary of most recent notifications via email. Additionally, ShareBase provides an uneditable audit trail leading to improved insight throughout collaboration as well as improved corporate security.

Search for files. The Search functionality enables users to find documents anywhere in ShareBase—regardless if the document was shared directly with a user, placed in a corporate library, or stored in their files. Users can search for documents by text in a file, file name, tags, file type and creator of the document.

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